Board of Directors
The PNREC Board of Directors is comprised of economists and regional analysts from the states of Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and the Canadian Provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. They represent a cross section of professionals from academia, business, government, and consulting organizations in both countries.

Dr. Hart Hodges
Center for Economic and Business Research, Western Washington University

Dr. Tom Potiowsky
Vice President
Department of Economics, Portland State University

Ms. Becky Knudson
Oregon Department of Transportation

Mr. Nick Beleiciks
Oregon Employment Department
Additional Board Members

Dr. Terry Morlan
Northwest Power and Conservation Council (Retired)

Mr. Scott Bailey
Washington Employment Security Department, retired

Mr. Massoud Jourabchi
Greenway Research Group

Mr. Chris Lawless
University of Victoria
Dr. Greg Piepmeyer
Idaho Division of Financial Management

Dr. Anneliese Vance-Sherman
Washington State Employment Security Department

Dr. Jenny Liu
Portland State University